Understanding The Present Time

Understand the present time: The night is far spent; the day is at hand.

On Jan 5, 2022as I was praying about the timing of things I heard the Lord say: ‘Time is running out’.


On Jan 8, 2022I had a dream.  I was working for a large ministry in NYC.  The day was done so I was heading out of town with a group of people when I noticed they had fallen off.  So I headed back to try to find them.  There were huge lines of people leaving the city and I never found them.  I had walked all the way back to the ministry; which was closer to the top end of the island and the lines that were leaving were walking down toward the bottom and leaving Manhattan Island.  By the time I got back to the ministry building it was very late at night.  There were still a few other pastors and workers wrapping things up.  I was very tired and just wanted to get back to my family.  I checked my phone and was able to see on ‘find my friends’ that the people I was riding with and looking for had ended up getting off the island and were heading home.  So I started heading back out but found myself stuck at the back of these huge lines of people still jamming up traffic to leave town.  

Then on the satellite images on my phone I could see that a nuclear blast had taken place at the bottom of the island and that more blasts were happening and making their way up to where we were.  I knew it was the end.  I knew I only had moments before I was gone.  I didn’t know what it would feel like to blow up but I knew I would find out real quick.  I did feel nervous for a moment and wondered what to do.  Almost all at the same time, all of us that were stuck at the ministry and at the back of the line started to call on Jesus and just thank Him for life and I, personally, was rejoicing and thanking HIm that my family would know where I had gone after I died. 

As we praised and just waited to blow up time kept going and it seemed like nothing was happening and then I looked outside the big windows and the sun was coming up.   We didn’t blow up.  It was a new day.


And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.  Romans 13: 11,12


A couple of things were apparent to me as I awoke from this dream.  One was what Jesus had said about: ‘many that were first will be last and the last will be first’.  The people who were stuck at the back of the line with me were people who were busy with the work of the ministry; putting their own lives last.  They were also the ones alive with me to see a new era.  

Another important thing that stood out to me was that when I looked at what technology was telling me, it looked like my time was up_ everything was over.  However, the truth was that I would be fine and a new day was about to start.  I knew that this was to be our finest hour.


Jesus said:   As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.  John 9:4


Many today, including Christians, are bracing themselves for the worst.  But I believe it’s the opposite.  It is important to ‘understand the present time’ so as to live in it and be effective in it.  It’s not time to stop: it’s time to wake up, know the will of God and get to work.


Therefore He says:

“Awake, you who sleep,

Arise from the dead,

And Christ will give you light.”

Walk in Wisdom

See then that you walk [circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.  Ephesians 5:14-17


Folks: I don’t believe what the world is preaching and I pray you have enough discernment to not be ingesting everything technology is making available for you to ingest.  Yes, there are wars and rumors of wars and pestilences and earthquakes and many people’s hearts are failing them (and will fail them) out of fear of what is to come.  That is real.  And that is nothing new.  Jesus said those things would come.  But He also said not to be afraid of them.  He said not to be deceived (don’t believe lies).  He said not to be entangled in the worries of the world (they belong to the world; not the children of light).  


I believe our greatest hour is at hand.  It is not time to draw back.  There is great work to be done and it shall be accomplished.  It is high time to know what God is saying and to be on board with what He is doing.  Jesus is looking for people whose hearts are singly focused on Him and His purposes to show Himself strong on their behalf.  Many great things are happening right now and many, many great things will transpire over the coming times.  


So what is it that God is saying?  Did you know that He is very alive today and very involved with His creation and hasn’t fled the scene and is still working out the plan that He’s set forth since the beginning of time, outlined in His Word and revealed through His prophets?  If you weren’t aware of that, I want to encourage you by letting you know.  And if you are of those blessed to be aware of His Good News: how aware of it are you really?  Is it real to you?  Enough that you are red hot on fire for Him and involved in His work?  I’m not asking these questions to condemn you, but to stir you to good works.  The Bible exhorts us to judge ourselves so that we will not be judged.  If you’ll do an honest self-diagnostic test and give place to the Holy Spirit, He’ll ensure you are right straight in the middle of God’s will and accomplishing the amazing plans He has for your life.  


As for us: we’re seeking Him every day and pressing forward every day.  We know our part.  Our part is to get the Gospel to people to the ends of the earth and to get the Good News out.  So that’s what we’re focused on.  


God is good.  He’s been giving us grace to do outreaches almost every day.  He leads us to places that most people would tend to only think negatively about.  But when we go there we see gold.  We go in love and share the simple Gospel and kids everywhere are responding with open hearts.  It is amazing.  God is drawing the young people.  But how could they call on Him if they don’t believe, how could they believe if they don’t hear and how could they hear if there is no preaching.  So we get the Gospel to them.  And then they need to be taught.  So we visit them a few times to give them more tools and invite them to hook into jesusworld.tv and long-term growth.  


Every time we go out we see what Jesus said in manifestation:   ‘The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few’.  So we follow His instructions and ask you to join us in praying ‘Lord of the harvest: send forth laborers into Your harvest.’


This work shall be accomplished and we’re excited and honored to be a part.  


What has God called you to do?  Do not draw back.  Press in.  Find out the will of God for your life and get it done at all costs.  You will stand before Him one day and give an account concerning the things He’s called you to do.  I don’t know about you, but I want Him to be able to say to me ‘well done, thou good and faithful servant’.  


Be blessed.

To the ends of the earth
